Jul 31Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Sounds similar to my situation years ago. So many doctors, so many tests. It was my psychiatrist who figured out it was Crestor, the statin I was on. I lost three years of my like to that pain. You will find the right doctor and be heard—there is a solution. Good for you for trying to solve it. I know what a lonesome journey that can be. I wish you well!

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Jul 31Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Thank you for this. Thank you so much for putting this in words. The part about sharing it with people really speaks to me. My own love does not understand and has some pretty icky things to say about people who deal with conditions similar to mine.

It helps to hear this out loud. Well, read it. In my head. Ykwim!

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Jul 30Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Thanks for a very powerful essay. I hope you get answers and relief from your pain.

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Jul 30Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

👋👋 Fellow person in pain over here! I’ve had chronic migraines for 5 years and it is no fun. But the experience has, like you, taught me how amazing the body is. Also, I grew up in Littleton! Thanks so much for sharing.

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Jul 30Liked by Stephanie Harper

Also, as a Christian, I am regularly shocked by how much stock Christians put in miraculous healing 😅

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Jul 29Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Thank you for this glimpse into your life! I appreciate your openness.

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Jul 29Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Stephanie, I admire the curiosity you had from an early age, that is amazing! I've never had symptoms like you, but if I did I could only hope to have your attitude and strength.

For two years I've been learning form a wellness coach and her mantra is that our body wants to keep us healthy. It requires us to give it what it needs and to not give it what it doesn't need. That refers to what we eat and the environment in which we are exposed to. Meaning food without pesticides or herbicides, meat without hormones or antibiotics, and so on. Our environment includes the toxins we potentially get from cleaning products, toothpaste, hand soap, skin care products, suntan lotion, bug spray, polluted air, etc. We can't eliminate toxins completely but the idea is to minimize as much as possible.

Two specific things come to mind that I suggest you consider. One is parasites and the other is heavy metal detoxification. I have known of others to use a product called SCRAM by Healthforce Superfoods to successfully deal with parasites. I have the product but have not needed to use it yet. For heavy metal detox, www.detoxmetals.com has high quality products. Detoxing is rather involved and serious, I recommend working with a credible holistic health person to be sure everything goes well.

I wish you the best.

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Jul 29Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Stephanie Harper, Open Secrets

Stephanie, I have had a similar experience with my health and discovered I had Lyme disease. Here is a link to find a doctor. https://www.ilads.org/patient-care/ilads-treatment-guidelines/

I think, based on your symptoms its worth check it out.

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Aug 7Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Open Secrets

Oh, Stephanie, chronic pain can be so mind-boggling difficult. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

Thank you for sharing—for seeing the beauty and complexity in your body and for moving toward peace with what is.

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Aug 4Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Open Secrets

I feel your pain. Also, my pain. My unexplained pain. Gentle hugs. Xx

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Aug 1Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel, Open Secrets

This is so gorgeously written and so perfectly captures the experience so many of us chronically ill people go through. Thanks so much, Stephanie

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Are you hypermobile, ans have you heard of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?

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